
Could This Be Home?



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-18-2020, 09:43 AM
If Ulric had been surprised by her statement before, it paled in comparison to the offer she made now. He appreciated her compliment and gave her a small smile in return for it, but when she offered to give him and his family a place in her new pack his eyes widened with surprise. Not only that, but a chance to shadow and learn from her as she led. It was something he had hoped and considered trying to do with the Armada or Valhalla, but those packs were simply too large. There wasn’t room for him to bring his family with him and he refused to leave them behind so that he could learn and train.

He was quiet for a moment as he thought over the offer. It was a hard decision to make on behalf of the ladies in his life, but in the end he knew it would be what was best for them in the long run. He could relax in knowing that they would be safer within the borders of a pack so he put his attention into bettering himself for the future. He also wouldn’t have to be so against he and Azariah starting a family since they would finally have a real home to raise their children. He also knew that he quite liked Resin and being able to help her in any way to grow and protect her pack felt like a win in his book.

With his decision made he brought his eyes back to Resin’s singular gaze and gave a small nod. “My family and I will join you. You’ve a very generous offer and I’d be a fool to turn it down.” He smiled a little as he realized that some of the pressure he had been feeling as of late had been relieved and there was now a new focus for the future. “It will be me, my fiancé Azariah, and my mother, Roza. I’m not sure if my two nieces will want to join as well. They’re old enough to decide on their own so I’ll let them choose.” They were free spirits and while he hoped that they would want to stick with their family, he knew what it was like to be young and want to have free reign of the world.