
Colors In The Water


09-03-2013, 12:45 AM

His chest rumbled with laughter and mirth as the creatures within the water played with his tail. His head had fallen to a tilt upon resting paws as he watched with clarity at the games the creatures played. Every so often he would flick the tip of his tail, sending droplets over the surface where lied some of the smaller colored fish. Ears cocked back as he heard an unfamiliar voice approach, causing him to turn his head. Upon seeing that it was a lady, he sat up and faced her. A gentle kindness within his aquarion gaze as he looked her over for signs of hostility. Whether there was any or not, he would not fight. Fighting women was not in his code, and would avoid it if at all possible. Dipping his head in a polite manner, he responded. "I suppose you can say that. Gotta do somethin' to pass the time, y'know?" Australian accent rolled into his words, obviously telling her that he was foreign to these parts. Again his head would slightly fall into a tilt as he gazed at her. Another question upon his mind.

"My name is Drake Aquarion. Who do I have the pleasure of meetin' on this autumnal equinox?" He inquired with a gentleness unlike many. He had always believed in kindness, even if the other party didn't deserve it. Graceful points would raise himself to his full height, though still not grown to his full stature he was still a graceful and well toned beauty in the works. Aqua eyes would gaze at her multi-hued grey pelt, her eyes he noticed were one of her most fetching features. He smiled sweetly at her, hoping to disarm any hostility should she have any.
