
Just Call Me What You Will...


09-03-2013, 12:45 AM
Russet audits angled sharply towards the woman before him. Deep blue pools graced her features, a smile slowly spreading across his lips. Exploring eh? Well maybe she had explored the wrong part of the woods. He smirked at the attempt to speak in his language, obviously it wasn't her dialect. With undeterred confidence, he strode closer and circled the girl. Orbs ever searching her form, seeking out a potential weakness perhaps should she decide to turn hostile. Though hostility was not in him now, all that could be felt was an eerie calm. His emotions easily masked into a pit of emotionless amusement.

His maw would open with practiced grace, from his tongue would slip words of scottish accented english. "Explorin'? an'...what is it 'at brooght ye tae these parts ay alacritis? it's potentially nae safe ye ken..." He told her as he stopped on her side. His size easily towered over hers, his sleek fur giving him an able bodied appearance that was admired by some. Though average was he; he always saw himself as one of good standard and eye candy to the ladies. They were often easily swayed by his tongue, and easily taken in the den. Most would accept his company, and he would give them what they so desired and swiftly leave before they awoke once the deed was done. Yet with all that, he had made sure that children of his were not born. Only taking advantage of the women who were not in season. Easy pickings they were like flowers on a spring day.
Alas he would wait for this dame to answer whilst he observed her countenance.