Oh, Let's Go Back To The Start...
09-19-2020, 01:17 PM
Aureus grinned at Eliphas comment and as his boyfriend leaned into him he reached around and licked at the other's cheek. The moment of intimacy was swiftly brought to a close as Deus stated he was hungry and in need of food. Eliphas was on the case though as he mentioned that Merlin would catch the boy a rabbit. Aureus gave his boyfriend a grateful grin. "I'd say maybe ten more minutes of walking? There's a clearing just down this trail that leads to a good place for a picnic." Aureus continued trotting down the trail with the sun rising steadily into the sky. It was gorgeous out. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.
… and then the ground began to shake.
The gentle rumble grew swiftly into a roar. Rocks started to break loose around them and the precariously balanced rock formations started to crumble. "Turn back, run!" Aureus whipped around, stumbling from the shaking of the earth. In that moment he spied a rock column tumble, the large rock on the top headed for Deus. Aureus swiftly grabbed the pup in his jaws and leapt.
He almost made it.
Pain lanced through him and he opened his mouth in a choked gasp, dropping Deus. The massive rocks had landed across him, crushing him from just behind his front legs on down the rest of his body. Blood started to pool in his lungs. He couldn't hardly think for the pain and the shock as he realized in that moment he was going to die. "Eli… get Deus to safety… please," he choked. Tears started to form in his eyes as he watched his future blur and grow darker.