
Tell me I'm not dying



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-19-2020, 03:15 PM

The question of if she could actually walk or not made Dalila wonder just how bad she looked. She knew how weak she felt, but she had to imagine that she looked even worse than she felt. She felt at least semi certain that she would be able to keep herself upright for at least a little bit, but it was good to know that she'd be taken to get home one way or another. She still didn't like the idea of being completely helpless and having to rely on a stranger for help, but at this point she didn't have a choice. It was either this or just let herself die. After everything she had done to get away and make it this far she didn't want to give up just yet.

After they started walking, their pace slow and steady, Dalila completely relied on the black and white woman to guide her. Her vision soon got to the point where it didn't matter if she had her eyes open or not - everything was fuzzy and out of focus anyway. She kept her paws moving, but it wasn't without a lot of effort. Each step felt like it took all of her energy and she had to put all of her focus into lifting one paw and placing it in front of her and then again and again with each step she took. It was perhaps the biggest relief of all when the stranger came to a stop and Dalila realized they had arrived at the border of whatever pack they had been heading toward. Somehow she had managed to stay on her feet long enough to make it here and she was truly even shocked with herself that she had done so.

As soon as they stopped moving her legs crumpled beneath her and she sank down onto her stomach. She clung to her consciousness the best she could, but eventually blackness swallowed her and the world finally fell away.
