
The Hallows



09-19-2020, 04:04 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2021, 09:12 PM by Artorias. Edited 19 times in total.)
Pack Rules, Culture, & History

— No Bloodshed. There is to be no intentional spilling of blood within the Hallows boundaries. Any who do intentionally spill blood will receive justice and will not be allowed to return.

— Wolves from all walks of life are to be accepted without discrimination. Alignment matters not so long as a wolf comes peacefully into the territory.

— Within the pack, each wolf must pull their own weight and contribute as they are able.

— Litters are not allowed without the express permission of the Aegis. Characters that become pregnant without permission run the risk of being ousted from the pack.

—A wolf that does not pull its weight will be removed from the pack. (Each month there will be an assigned activity announced in the pack's discord that must be maintained to remain a member of the pack. Otherwise, your character will be removed from the roster and will be considered missing.)

—The Aegis must approve any wolves looking to become members of the pack. The Seraph and Baron are allowed to bring guests into the pack, but if anyone wishes to become a permanent member they must go through the Aegis. Templars and Seneschals may intercept wolves at the border, but must call the Aegis, Baron, or Seraph for approval to bring them into the pack lands.

— The Aegis has the final word in all things, though a council of advisors consisting of the Seraph, Baron, Templars, and Seneschals will be held for any decisions that will effect the whole of the pack.


— Visitors are to be greeted and food is to be shared. If the food is consumed, it's taken as an agreement that the visitor will retain the peace.

Pack History:
  • Fall, Year 15 - The Hallows is founded by Resin.
  • Fall, Year 15 - Tamsyn gives birth to the first litter of the Hallows.
  • Fall, Year 15 - Resin makes the decision to move the pack due to an influx of predators, proximity of growing packs, and the death of a pack mate. A ban is also placed on litters, and all future litters must be approved by the Aegis.
  • Winter, Year 15 - The Hallows moves to Auster and claims Amron's Castle and the Starlit Plains.
  • Winter, Year 15 - Resin gives the family name Carpathius to herself, Tamsyn, and their children. The Carpathius family is established.
  • Winter, Year 15 - The Hallows captures their first alpaca herd with plans for breeding and trading.
  • Spring, Year 16 - The Hallows participates in a practice raid defending against Ashen. Ashen is victorious.
  • Spring, Year 16 - The Hallows is attacked by a pride of sabertooth tigers from the far north.
  • Spring, Year 16 - Resin develops early onset dementia and attacks Tamsyn. She hands control of the Hallows over to Ulric and incarcerates herself.
  • Spring, Year 16 - Ulric names Artorias as heir to the Hallows.
  • Summer, Year 16 - The Hallows is attacked by a pack of extra dire wolves. Resin is killed in combat.
  • Summer, Year 16 - The Hallows joins in Ashen's summer festival and tournament. Ezra Adravendi and Dunkan Sarcova bring home trophies for the Yearling and Adult brackets respectively.
  • Winter, Year 16 - Ulric passes the title of Aegis over to Artorias. Artorias and Ulric become cooperative alphas together until Artorias comes of age.