
I need shelter, safe haven




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-19-2020, 04:05 PM

When her eyes fluttered open, it took her a good bit of time to fully realize that she wasn't somewhere she recognized. Her head popped up with a gasp and her head started to spin from the sudden, jarring movement. Dalila rested her head back down on the ground while she panted lightly from the rush of adrenaline and panic that hit her system while she looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings. The events that got her to this point slowly began to filter back into her mind - all the blood shed and fighting and the frantic sprint to put as much distance between herself and her old home as possible. Eventually her memories caught up to when the monochromatic, magenta eyed woman had found her and she began to piece together where she was.

She lifted her head again, this time more slowly and carefully, and looked over the many wounds and bites that were scattered over her body. All of them had been treated and patched up with some sort of herbs or medicines that she couldn't identify. Her head was pounding with a headache and her throat was dry, but she was alive. Somehow she had managed to make it out of that carnage and fate had put her in the path of someone that could help. A sigh of relief passed her lips and she looked out toward the sky to try and figure out how long she had been out for. She really couldn't remember what time of day it had been when she passed out and there was no real way of knowing how long it had been since then. A few hours? A day? Longer? If how thirsty she was and the growling in her stomach were any indication then it had to have been at least a day.

The marbled, speckled woman carefully rolled herself onto her feet and started pulling herself up into a sitting position on her haunches, but that was about as far as she got. She sat there for a while, letting her body right itself and figure out which way was up and down. She at least could see out into the forest that surrounded the den she was in and her brows lifted when she saw the oddly pale trees that surrounded her. It was unlike anything she had seen before and it made her wonder what kind of place she had landed herself in.
