
Tetanus Central [Fitz]



2 Years
09-19-2020, 07:53 PM
Fitz only knew of if Nytalen from what his mom had told him and what he believed the diety had shown of himself.  It was hard to have all the answers, and how to express them was a thing he was still having to grow used to.  However, the grey wolf was confident that whatever he needed to know would be made clear to him.  “There are many ways to serve him or to shine through his teachings.  All of Nytalen’s followers know of course how to hunt and fight, but some are sure to be better at that than others.  Perhaps those who are not as elite at fighting are better off sharing his word, perhaps they are smarter.  As wolves, we were born to work together so we all have a variety of talents.  The key factor is being sure to thank Nytalen for what he gives us.  To not curse the predators who stalk you but be grateful for what they teach.  To not feel thwarted if you fail but to see what you were being taught so you get stronger.  Most importantly to never grow soft.”

There was passion in Fitz’s words, that complete belief blind as it was shown through him, “As wolves, we are meant to look after those in our packs, and making sure all of those you care for realize the way to true strength is through Nytalen.  It is as surely a role just as important as teaching a pup to hunt.  That is something all followers need to learn.  It is always easier to get one to understand if they are taught it while young.”  Fitz looked up as he imagined the world as he imagined it should be when all served his deity.  

“The forgiving due of course suffer.  Nytalen put dangers through all the world and even the unbelievers will suffer.  However, they might work harder to avoid the dangers, to let others protect them or run from what they see.  They might curse out the diety or look to false ones to save them.  Part of it is just about knowing who truly has our best interests in mind.  Nytalen does not care for us serving or praising any other ‘power.’  It’s an insult to him.  Just as any who curse him should be punished however, he understands that those who are ignorant are not guilty of things they did not know.”  Fitz was glad to see the answers were there when asked, that he didn't stumble as he spoke.  For so long he had to keep silent of his true beliefs in the pack of deceivers and enemies of his deity so now the grey wolf was learning of what skills he truly had.