
when the moon found the sun




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
09-19-2020, 08:06 PM

The way he watched her as if she was the most beautiful wolf around and the huge grin that crossed his lips at her approach made unexpected butterflies flutter around her stomach. She'd never seen someone be so genuinely happy to see her and it kind of took her aback. She had thought that a lot of the spark she had felt the last time they were together had been in her mind or had been imagined by the hopeless romantic side of her, but perhaps she hadn't been as far off as she thought. She loved the feeling of his body pressed to hers and the way their fur intermingled together. The other wolves near by fell away out of her attention and as far as she was concerned they were completely alone on the beach - just her, him, and this campfire that he was brewing his tea beside.

In true Iroh fashion, he offered her some of tonight's tea and she grinned as she nodded in agreement. It was a little thing that she had only experienced with him so it felt that much more special as he poured her a bowl of it. It was like when someone had a particular habit or action that was endearing and unique to them, that was how Iroh and his tea felt to her. She gratefully took the bowl she had been offered and let it rest between her paws while she gave it a curious sniff and let her side lean into his once more. She could already tell from the smell that this was a different type of tea than they had shared last time and if she wasn't mistaken there was surely something a bit spirited mixed in as well. Elise took a couple of drinks of the warm liquid, humming softly to herself at the taste. "This is lovely," she commented, giving him a smile. "My favorite so far, I think." Of course, her desire to continue her fun evening of drinking might have something to do with it.

She grinned at his compliment and couldn't help the flutter she felt again at the kiss he gave her on her cheek. It felt so sweet and innocent despite the fact that they knew each other in some far from innocent ways. "I've been well enough," she replied to his comment, amusement crossing her features as she added, "The dancing bears weren't worth the search. Just a bunch of growling and very clumsy dancing." She giggled softly to herself at her own joke while she leaned into his side and nuzzled her face into the fur around his neck affectionately. There was certainly something to be said about feeling completely free to show her affection and be physically close with someone since she knew they would be appreciative of all of those things. "How about you? Anything incredibly life changing or exciting since I saw you last?"

"Talk" "You" Think