
Ways and Means

Rune I


5 Years
09-03-2013, 02:55 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Gophers. Right. He had forgotten how different the pallet and preferences, as well as realities, of pups were in comparison to older wolves. Though he himself was still young, barely capable of being considered an adult himself, his own tastes had changed considerably. Larger game held the most appeal though smaller game often did the trick just as nicely, mostly for convenience's sake. When was the last time he had settled for something small and snack sized rather than go for something that would fill his stomach for some time after his meal? He almost smiled at the thought, but instead tried to keep himself focused.

"Hm," he murmured, the noise made thoughtfully and absently as he rose to his paws and tilted his head back while scenting the air, still trying to detect anything worthwhile and nearby to use as a means for the lesson. "There's got to be something around here," he commented quietly aloud, gaze still staring off around them as if the target for their hunt might simply walk into sight at any moment. If only it was that easy. "C'mon." Without further preamble, he motioned with his head for young Ares to follow and set off into the trees, head low as he led the way through the dense growth in search of a scent to trail.

Frosty blue eyes continued to glance about with expectation as he spoke up again, his tone quiet so as to try and retain some semblance of secrecy from the animals in the vicinity. "So rabbit works?" he asked. He had yet to find the scent he was after, but if memory served he was sure of there being a rabbit burrow nearby. It would all be a matter of luck whether or not a member of that family would be out and about and ready to be caught, but at least being able to find the scent and track it would be a good lesson in and of itself.