
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
09-19-2020, 10:45 PM

Rhona was actually a little surprised as she listened to the quite extensive list of wolves that Aslatiel seemed to think would help her with her training. There were some names she knew and some she didn't, but she hoped that she would meet them sooner rather than later. A little, guilty smirk crossed her face when the smaller woman mentioned that she was probably afraid of Resin now and it was a pretty true guess. She didn't want to be and eventually she would get over it, but it had certainly been quite a display of violence and strength that was very much not something she was used to or comfortable with seeing. Protective was probably putting it lightly. She wouldn't have wanted to see what Resin would have done if Osmond had done much more than get a bite or two in on Tamsyn.

She blinked with surprise when Aslatiel suggested that they get started with the training and practice now. They certainly didn't waste any time around here. Sirius had done the same thing after meeting him. She couldn't really say that she minded necessarily, it just felt like a pretty sudden shift in topics and activities. When the topic of what else she was interested in or did came up, Rhona had to think for a moment before she answered. "Well, my mother, sisters, and I used to craft things pretty often," she mentioned with a small smile. There wasn't many fond memories from her previous life to think of, but those were a few she could think back on happily. "We made all kinds of stuff... leather satchels, bundles of kindling for fires, travois for carrying prey back on..." She knew there was other stuff as well, but that was a few things that she could think of off the top of her head.

At Aslatiel's gesturing, she followed her pack mate back out into the open. She blinked and looked at her with confusion at the quite morbid analogy she had used, but after a beat of slightly concerned silence a laugh bubbled up in her chest and she found herself laughing lightly instead. It felt good to laugh, it wasn't something she had ever done much till now. "Lets... spar," she answered with a bit of uncertainty, her tail wagging with an eager, anxious energy. "Here in the clearing is fine." She had already been down to the training area with Sirius so this would give her a bit of a change of pace to test what she had learned with him.
