
Tamsyn Mystery Pups!


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-19-2020, 11:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2020, 08:43 AM by Tamsyn.)
Well after a very drunken and rowdy time at Jupiter's beach "party", Tamsyn has found herself in the very surprising position of being pregnant! (Practice safe sex even if you're out of season, kids.) Now the extra fun part is that with the magic of a mystery breeding pass, the dad could be literally anyone. Or maybe its no one! The miracle of life, people, it's real. If you want to believe that her and Resin somehow conceived magic pups I won't stop you. Here's some details for you to follow if you're interested in one of these little bundles of joy.

How are they going to be raised?

These pups will be raised in The Hallows with their moms Tamsyn and Resin. These kids are going to grow up very loved and very (with an extra very for emphasis) protected. They're going to be encouraged to learn and train in whatever their preferred skills are, though both Tam and Res are fighters and Tam is very big on knowing how to protect yourself so don't be surprised if they at teach them at least the basics of that whether they decide to be fighters or not. The whole principle behind The Hallows is that its a safe place for anyone that needs it and a place for wolves to get back on their feet so they're going to be raised in a very encouraging environment. I wouldn't expect them to have any alignments that are darker than neutral, but if you can give me some real good personality points to justify why then I'm not against considering it. I'd like for them to stay in The Hallows at least until they're adults, but if plots take them away to other things after they are old enough to make wise decisions then I'll allow it.

What can they look like?

The fun part about the fact that they are coming from a mystery litter pass is that the designs are pretty free rein and there's not really any rules for as size, mutations, colors etc. I would prefer the designs to at least include darker and monochromatic colors like black, gray, and white since that is pretty much exclusively the colors for Tamsyn and her family. (It's also Resin's color scheme so, ya know, match the moms. It'd be cute.) I've made some designs for you to pick from if you'd like and Resin will be adding some as well, but you're welcome to bring your own if you want. If you do bring your own design, I would like for that design to stay with the pup if they're ever readopted. I'd like to make / buy some art for them at some point and I don't want to waste that art on a design that can't be reused. If you see something in one of the designs we've made that you'd like to have altered in anyway I'd be happy to do it! Things like eye color, adding or removing a marking, or swapping the color of a marking is super easy to do. Resin and I both would also be happy to make a reference for you if you have an idea for a design and just need help bringing it to life.

What do I expect from you?

I'm not super picky or strict when it comes to activity. As long as I see them getting posted around the pack occasionally or interacting with the family that's all I really ask. If you disappear off the face of the earth for a couple months then I'll probably take the pup back, but if you know you're going to be gone for a certain reason just reach out and let me know and we'll figure out an IC reason for their absence. In addition to that, since they'll be members of The Hallows, I'd really like to see them be active, helpful pack members as they get older. Resin and I are very excited about the pack in general and I'd like them all to be a big 'ol pack family with the pups.


If you'd like to apply for one of these guys or gals, just fill out this handy dandy form! I've also linked all the designs I have so far, might add more soon.

Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Design 4
Design 5
Design 6
Design 7
Design 8
Design 9
Design 10
Design 11
Design 12
Design 13

<b>Out-of-Character Name:</b>
<b>Character's Name:</b>
<b> Gender:</b>
<b>Adult Height:</b>
<b> Alignment:</b>
<b>Appearance Description:</b> 100 words
<b>Personality:</b> 150 words
<b> Intended plots</b>: (Optional)