
What's Mine is Ours



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-20-2020, 08:35 AM

Tamsyn gave a small nod to Resin when she asked about her feeling sick, but forced a smile onto her lips. “I’m fine, I promise. I just need a moment.” She didn’t want to give her lover any excuse to send her away to rest. This was something she had been waiting for and she wasn’t going to let a little food poisoning get in her way of enjoying it. She really just wished she knew what had caused it. Never in her life had she had a stomach issue like this that lasted for this long.

The oblivious black female refocused her attention on their surroundings, her mint eyes looking off into the distance toward the falls that flowed down into the pools in front of them. She nodded in agreement and smiled at the idea of being able to look over this gorgeous landscape from their den at the top of it all. The mention of an area for their warriors made her grin. Even though she knew their pack wouldn’t be the war seeking force the Armada was, she still enjoyed her training and being able to teach others so she was glad that part of her life wouldn’t be going away entirely.

When Resin put her foreleg around her, she brought her eyes up to hers. At first she really didn’t think much of the comment about their family. She figured that she was referring to their pack as their family since that was something Resin had done previously or perhaps she meant the pups that Tamsyn had tentatively mentioned way back when. They hadn’t really talked much about the possibility since then, but maybe now they could after they finished building The Hallows. However, before she could answer, her nausea that she had been suppressing came back in full force and that unpleasant chill crept over her that told her there was no stopping it this time. She quickly slipped away from Resin’s side and ran off to some of the bushes near by and finally lost the battle with this sickness, losing her breakfast and everything else in her stomach.

When she was done she backed away from the bushes and sighed, giving her fur a quick shake before she started to make her way back to where Resin was waiting. All at once the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place in her head. This sickness had gone on far too long to just be caused by something she ate. There had to be another cause. Resin’s mention of family finally made it click. She hadn’t thought it would be possible with her not being in season, but if she was being honest the possibility hadn’t crossed her mind once that night as she drunkenly made her way through the party.

She brought her confused, slightly panicked gaze up to Resin’s as her ears folded back against her head. “Resin... Do you think I’m...” A very real panic and worry settled over her as she fell back onto her haunches. She didn’t know how to be a mother, she didn’t feel ready for it. She was still working on herself and now she had their new pack to worry about. How could she possibly bring pups into all of this as well?
