
Tell Me a Secret




3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
09-20-2020, 01:22 PM
It wasn't every day Tyrian did as instructed without putting up some sort of a fight. His nature was far too obstinate in most cases. Even in good humor he tended to be difficult, but when a beautiful, mysterious woman tried to get you to lay on your back after agreeing to whatever flavor of erotic fantasy you wanted, you did as she demanded without complaint and you did it right quick. So that's what he did. His front paws fell loosely against his chest while his back ones dug their heels into the sand. Briefly, his tail clung to his belly out of protective instinct, but he forced himself to relax it. With her standing over him it was no easy task. Even mellowed as he was by the night's revelries, whispers of Tyrian's suspicious nature bothered him. It was soon forgotten, however, as Fel started to work on him. Not knowing where she was going with it, at first his breath quickened. After awhile though it slowed as he relaxed into her touch and found subtle pleasure in her gentle handling.

As predicted, that didn't last long. He was clay in her paws; his breath coming faster now as she teased him. He was unaware that a soft hum left his lips every time her tongue touched his skin. Struggling to lay still, Tyrian lifted his head to watch her. She talked about going in for the kill and he was suddenly acutely aware of her breath on his skin. By this time there was no denying his interest; she'd coaxed it out of him and cruelly played around it for so long he was half tempted to call the game off and put it to use the only way he knew how.

"Oh..." All thoughts of rising left him as she did as promised. Very quickly in her game he'd realized where she was going. Tyrian had anticipated the finale of her teasing and thought he knew what to expect. He'd been so very wrong. Unable to hold his head up any longer, Tyrian flopped back into the sand, his back arching slightly as the woman introduced him to an entirely new experience. "Oh."


The silence around them was suddenly deafening; the heavy beat of his heart in his ears and the ragged breath that left his lips seemingly the only sound to break the quiet. Struggling to process what she had just done to him, Tyrian leaned up to look at his damp belly. He fell back with a breathy laugh. Holy shit. He struggled to find words that would do him justice. "That was amazing," he breathed.

He was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that the mystery woman had received the short end of the stick in this deal. Or, rather, no stick at all. More than anything else he wanted to remedy that. It was her turn to get anything she wanted; after that experience, tonight he would do whatever she asked. He could think of no boundaries he wouldn't cross. Anything with her would be an experience worth having.

Tyrian rolled to his paws. His gaze and his stance were fervent as he moved to her side, eager to repay her. "You didn't say no to everything," he observed as he went in for a kiss. If she'd let him Tyrian intended to nibble his way down her jawline in between words. "So now I want what you want." Would she want him to do the same to her? In anticipation of that possibility he lifted a paw and hovered it at her hip, ready to guide her down if that was what she chose. "So tell me...where's my kill?" He owed her a scream.
Tyrian has a saber-toothed snow leopard companion named Zahir, a black-footed gray langur named Tashi and a striped skunk companion he insists on calling Righty even though her name is Daisy. Assume all are nearby if not mentioned.