
Large Pile of Sand

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
09-03-2013, 06:55 AM

Silently he examined the girl, wondering who she was. Basilisk had never meant to stumble across any other creatures other than perhaps Cross, he stood as though glued to the spot, intense purple gaze drifting over the child. How badly he envied the simple life that she was likely able to lead; it was likely she had two normal parents who loved her, who protected her. It was even more likely that she hadn't been forced to watch her father's life be torn from him, to watch his mother retreat into the depths of her chaotic mind, watched her family be torn apart by grief...

As he refused her offer, he noticed she seemed immediately distraught, puffing out her chest and glaring at him. It was not at all threatening, but her fierceness brought a smirk to his lips. As though in protest, she climbed to the top of the pile of sand she had claimed as he kingdom. If only the girl knew how easily he could destroy her kingdom, with a simple swipe of his paw, he could send it all crumbling..

"I just know," he replied hoarsely, his upper lip curling in a slight sneer. "So you only want me to be your knight because I can defend your kingdom?" His voice was tinged with slight curiosity at her thinking. "Don't you have parents who could be doing that for you? Didn't they teach you not to talk to strangers?" Perhaps they had... but perhaps she just didn't care? Though she had fine judgement in who was trustworthy and who wasn't?

She admitted that her father didn't know where she was. A low chuckle left his lips. One paw followed the other as he crept forward, mere feet away from her now. So young, she did not yet recognize the evils of the world. Watching her, he felt a interest bubble up within his chest, the same sensation as when he'd seen Aegira. But this female had no connection to him; she was merely a stranger.

It surprised him when she asked him for help, realizing she was a bit too high up for comfort. Could he deny her? For a long moment he considered, frowning. "Sure." With that he closed the space between them, leaning to grab the girl by the scruff and lower her slowly to the ground. The he paused, staring down at the small child. "What's your name?"