
Otherworldly Monument




Expert Intellectual (120)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
09-20-2020, 07:02 PM
What an interesting thought. Kiela hadn't been raised to do things such as that, but it sounded like a good idea. There was nothing wrong with marking one's journey in such a concrete way. In fact, she appreciated the thought behind it, and she supposed such ideas came with exploring these lands; there were plenty of strange artifacts that she'd started to encounter, ones that crafty enough wolves would no doubt find a use for. Kiela wasn't sure she was quite so crafty, though didn't think that such a bad thing either. Different wolves had different ways of thinking, after all. She was naive but even this was something she knew well.

She leaned over to check out the section of the map she was revealing to her. "Ah, very interesting," she murmured, appreciative rather than dismissive. Perhaps such a map might help her track the movement of the reindeer herds, but then again, she lived and breathed their migration - at least she had, before coming to Boreas - and she didn't need help remembering these things. She supposed a different kind of exploration might warrant such a map.

The rain started not long after they huddled under the stone together. Surprisingly it kept away much of the water, and seemed to let up before long, hardly even a storm at all. For a moment she wondered if these stones had housed a different sort of structure before, crumbled away by time, or if this was all they had been. Was it possible this was a siedi? Suddenly she felt foolish for not recognizing it before. Such stones were the talk of many stories of her childhood, but in her mind they seemed more ethereal than anything else. For a moment she was stunned, twisting her head up to let her gaze sweep over the underside of the stone structure above. "I do not know. What suggest you?" Perhaps Svala had some idea where she ought to explore next; Kiela was without any real direction currently, though she felt suddenly a bit lighter now that she realized she very possibility had encountered her very first siedi.