
If not now then when?




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
09-20-2020, 08:23 PM

Elise grinned and laughed at Tyrian's jokes about selling the blue-hued man - though she wasn't entirely sure he was joking considering how Jupiter had behaved. "Hmmmm, you certainly drive a hard bargain..." she replied as she pretended to seriously consider the offer with a thoughtful, contemplative expression. "However, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline. I'd like to make the counter offer of you paying me to take him off your hands. Seems only fair considering how much of a liability he seems to be." She grinned and added, "It's gonna have to be a pretty sizable payment though."

Once they had settled into their quiet corner of the beach, she was happy to settle in at his side and just let her gaze roam over the wolves that were gathered a short distance away. They were far enough from them that she felt like she could watch without consequence, but close enough that they certainly wouldn't miss any of the action. She was actually a little surprised by just how fast some of them paired off - some of them clearly much more eager than some. It was very amusing and she found herself chuckling softly while she watched and sipped her drink. She glanced toward the bottle he had brought curiously as he put it off to the side and opted to share hers instead. Clearly it wasn't very good, but she had a feeling that before the end of their time together they'd end up drinking it anyway. The buzz of alcohol had a way of making things taste better or at least more tolerable as it fully settled into their system. The tingles slowly spread from her stomach to her limbs in a very pleasant way.

Elise smirked at his comment about her surely being more interesting than him with her life as a loaner giving her the freedom to go where she liked and see more places. "Done things you've only dreamed of, eh?" she asked with a small laugh before taking another drink of the beverage they had mutually agreed was the best of the selection they had. "Well, you must have some pretty boring dreams then." At least in her eyes her life hadn't been anything special thus far, but she couldn't deny that she had at least done a lot of traveling in the time that she had been on her own. "If aimlessly wandering around Boreas and Auster and trying to fill my days with finding interesting wolves to charm and flirt with is your thing then sure, I suppose it's been a pretty interesting so far. My parents were pretty old when they had us and passed away when we were young - which is how I ended up as said wandering, flirty loaner."

She let her gaze focus curiously on him again, letting her head tip softly to the side as she examined him and tried to figure out why someone that had a pack to lead would find her life as a rouge at all interesting. "Do you not like being a leader and living in one place, Mr. Fireside?" she asked, daring to pose a more in-depth, serious question than perhaps their current setting should allow. She figured why not - they were off on their own, getting to know each other, and drinking their cares away. What was a few deep, philosophical questions between new friends? "My father was an alpha before I was born and he always made it sound so swell and noble in his stories."

"Talk" "You" Think