
Looking like a high I wanna be on


09-03-2013, 10:18 AM

Father has certainly taken care of you. That voice. It was so familiar. Two toned gaze immediately shot towards the pale male. Eyes narrowed briefly, awaiting his verbal attack, or for his sister to come out behind him. She rose to her paws, ebony plume uncurling from around her. "Yes he has." Simple words. She was wary of Seraphims kids. Briefly she took note of the curious expression on his face, wondering what was the cause of it. It certainly couldn't be her.

"What are you doing here?" Had he followed her, or was it mere coincidence that he was here? Where was the rest of his family? Surely they couldn't be far. She imaged that Morphine kept them all together since losing the pack. But the more she thought of it, the less likely it seemed. The pallid woman had disappeared since then, going into hiding. Inky jaws remained shut, gaze watching the brute in front of her. He looked no different than the last time they had met, maybe a little bigger, but no real difference. His ivory pelt stretched over his taunt ever growing frame, lavender eyes resting upon her in a strange way.

All she could do was stand there and wait. Wait for him to either leave, or throw some insult at her, or whatever cruel words he could. But she'd be prepared. She had grown, had learned a lot, she was ready to take on the world if needed. There would be no more picking on her because her family had vanished without a trace. Toes flexed in the sand, wary gaze watching Ares, uncertain of him and his reason for being here.

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