
Only the ocean



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-20-2020, 08:38 PM
Following Hanako, Meadow’s tail mimics the fire and ink wolf’s own… only slightly faster. With a bounce in her step and a smile on her lips, the small healer nods in agreement to going outside. When she thanks her colorful friend and gets thanked in return, plus a boop on her nose, Meadow pauses for a moment in her movements as Hanako dashes outside. Head tilts and her smile drops for a moment as she thinks.

Meadow doesn’t know why Hanako is thanking her, she hasn’t done anything special. A lot has happened in one day and, for a moment she just watches her friend, enjoying the excitement and thrill of everything. With a soft ‘yip’ of excitement, Meadow bounds after Hanako, laughter spilling from her lips. For a moment, she is a pup again and, the fact that she has made a new friend, adds to her youthful exuberance. She feels likes she could play all day and far into the night.

As she crosses the threshold and the light that hits her, causing her to squint, the earthen hued wolf pauses a moment to get her bearings. When Meadow spies her friend and scurries after her, toward the vegetation that surrounds the crumbling edifice. The thought of looking for herbs tugs at her and reminds her that is why she is here but her heart tells her just to have fun. Paws turn up dirt as she darts forward, calling out as she approaches the fire and ink wolf, “I challenge you to race!”

Skidding to a stop near her friend, playful smile on her lips, eyes dancing with delight, Meadow lays out the contest, “One lap around the building. Winner gets bragging rights and loser has to tell the pack that the winner is the fastest wolf ever. Deal?” She hopes that Hanako will take her up on the race. Something tells the small healer that she will probably lose but it will at least be fun. Eyes dance with mischievous glee as she looks at her friend.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm