
There's No Place Like Home




5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-20-2020, 10:13 PM
Meadow dips her paws in the pool of bubbling water that sits in her front yard. Paws are sore from all the work she has been doing. The small healer has been building a healing hut, a place for her to live and treat all those who need help. Rigel hoots his encouragement from his perch on the roof. With a nod to him, the earthen hued wolf stands and shakes off the water from her paws. There is still work to do.

It was fortuitous that Meadow had found this spot. There had been some dead tree trunks that had formed a ring right next to a bubbling spring. Since finding this place, the healer had worked to move smaller logs to brace the trunks and work as beams in her home. Each log had been a small tree that had to be dug up and the root cut off. She had then tempered each piece of wood with fire, to harden and strengthen it, before being moved into place.

The tricky part had been using a tool with her mouth to drill holes big enough for the beams to fit into the trunks. With a cart and lots of muscle, Meadow had finally finished the frame work for the hut. Next, came the laying of the furs. Luckily, the earthen hued wolf had a plethora of furs and, with Rigel’s talons, the pair had tied down each fur with leather stripes and stretched them to form walls. Meadow lost track of how many furs she had used but it had taken days to lay them all.

The hut needed a door, so Meadow hung two large furs over the entrance to keep winds out and warmth in. Next, she worked on the inside, laying furs for her bed and areas for treatment beds. She dug a small hole in the middle of her home and lined it with rocks. This would serve as steam area, allowing her to bring in hot rocks and pour water over them to create steam. It would help those with breathing issues and keep the hut warm.

She had hung lanterns from the ceiling of her home to illuminate every corner, Rigel helped  with that part too. Now she is working on setting up her herbs and salves. Rigel helps her tie bundles of herbs to hang around the hut. It helps serve the dual purposes of making it smell sweet and allow the herbs to dry. Salves and jars are lined on tables that are nothing more than dead trunks she had transplanted into her house.

With sore muscles and hurting paws, Meadow steps back to admire her healing hut. A smile tugs her lips up as she feels pride in the fact that she has made this. This is her home; her safe space and it is perfect. Moving to her bed, Meadow flops down on her belly and allows her body to relax. Mentally congratulating herself on a job well done, the small healers mind to the next task of building a garden of herbs.



Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm