
I'm on your side

Ulric and Azariah joining



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-20-2020, 11:49 PM

He led the way with his fiancé following along beside him as they made their way to the border of the pack that he had been invited to join. As promised, he came back to the hot springs a week after Resin's invitation. He had visited the outskirts of the hot springs several times in the days in-between, watching for any signs that the promised pack had formed, and eventually he started to notice more and more wolves gathering there as well as the noticeable scent markings around the perimeter of the area. Resin very clearly kept her promise of forming her pack here and he was honestly just impressed to see the pack be built from nothing. It was an inspiration for him to see that it really was possible to do and he hoped that perhaps one day he could follow in the scarred woman's footsteps.

While he had been certain that Azariah would be willing to join him on this venture, he'd also expected his mother to come as well. It had surprised him when she insisted on staying behind, but once she explained that she wanted to stay with Ferrah, Nausicaa, and Memento he understood. Perhaps he would have reconsidered his decision to join Resin's pack in order to stay with his mother and the other younger women in his life if Roza hadn't been so insistent that he go and follow through with his promise to join the pack. She didn't say so, but he thought that she might have felt guilty over him leaving the Armada to stay with her before and didn't want to cause him to do the same thing again. He comforted himself with the knowledge that she would only be a short distance away in the mangroves so he could visit frequently and if something happened he would be easy for them to reach.

He paused at the edge of the hot springs, looking down at Azariah with a reassuring smile, dipping his head a bit to give her a gentle kiss. "Thank you for joining me on this adventure... I hope I can learn everything I need to build our future home for us here. Resin is trust worthy woman. I think you'll like her." He turned his attention back toward the center of the territory, but he wasn't able to see into the springs very well because of the tree line that stood between them and the pools at its center. He tipped his head back and let out a low howl, not feeling like it was necessary to put much volume or urgency behind the call. There was no need for Resin to rush on his account.
