


09-03-2013, 12:25 PM

An eerie hum ghosted in the wake of a Mystical siren, ever there ever not. She was but a ghost, a transcendental being that flickered in and out of existence upon her own whimsical desires. Each calculated step descended upon the dampening terrain was an act of levitation, an impossibility. A countinous drumming is heard beneath the solid earth, always beating, never stopping. It was like Renesme, never staying, always going, moving to her next target or amusement. Enclosed by the darkness the glaciem would drift in the lighting of the moon, its eerie glow becoming a somewhat beauty, Her footsteps kissing gently upon the earth with its gentle press. 'FUCK GEESE' Brought the oracle to glide towards the grouchy beast in the layer. " What the matter, having a nightmare?" A Cackle would screech out of the throat as the tiara would lower to peek inside. Her jade green eyes were darkened, uncertain flames active in her irises while her paws moved across the dirt of bones and guts, and god knows what else. The small figure would stay inches away from entering the mouth of the den before letting a sigh roll of the edges of the sultry tounge.

Within a moment the Siren would move away, to inhale some fresh air and not the grotty kind that filled the den from within. " Eat the damn creatures my pearl, then your nightmares would be all over." she soothed, carefully placing herself upon the ground, to watch the moonlight. Twisted, dark, sick, wretched- where the rumours Renesme would here about the woman that lays. Well it would seem there was two alike. The long, whispy veil curls around the front of the feminine body, awaiting for this Canttina to arise.