
Curtain Call

Mandatory pack meeting



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
09-21-2020, 06:06 PM
Being up and around the pack again was something she was still getting used to. It was really only in the last few weeks that she had begun to tentatively explore out of the den and slowly begin to build up the muscles in her legs again. She still got tired very easily and felt oddly frail, but she understood that there was little she could do about that fact. After being ill for so long she was just glad to be able to be up and moving once again. Just the feeling of the warmer weather and the sun on her fur made her feel like she was alive again. It was a morbid thought that she didn't like to address, but she knew that there had been a brief bit of time during her sickness that they hadn't been sure if she was going to pull through.

She was sitting outside of the den, resting after a small, early morning loop through the Sparse Pines, when she heard Acere calling for the pack to join him for a pack meeting. Her ears perked as she listened to the howl and realized with a smile that she could actually go and attend. She got to her paws and gave herself a small shake to fluff out her coat, something she had gotten in the habit of doing to hide how slender she had gotten in the time she had been bound to the den. She trotted off to join in on the meeting, her amber eyes canning the few that had gathered so far before finding a place to sit as she faced Acere. She watched their alpha curiously, wondering what they could be going over today.