
Walk of Shame



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
09-21-2020, 08:43 PM

He had begun to think that he'd never manage to coax the inebriated Lirim wolf away from Jupiter Imperialis' 'party' unmolested, but he'd finally gotten her far enough away from the pretty lights and laughter and distractions that he could keep her from wandering off, only to realize that she was drunk enough that if he sent her home alone in this condition she was going to either lose her virginity or fall into a ravine long before she got there. So with a sigh he bid farewell to his mission, hoped Fel and Iroh weren't too drunk that he couldn't get information from them later, and hoisted the little woman up onto his back, steeling himself for a long walk with her heat scent constantly coating him and doubtless coaxing all manner of males to come by and challenge him for her. Exhausting. It was a good thing he knew Lirim's whereabouts, because if he depended on his rider to navigate him he'd be walking in a circle all night until she was sober enough to find the way - and then the hangover would probably prevent that anyway. He was able to reach Lirim's borders without undue incident, though his muscles ached from a strain that they were unaccustomed to as he didn't generally carry any more weight than his armor now that the pups were grown. He hesitated, considered just dumping her there and taking off so he didn't have to deal with Torin's bias again, but rejected the idea with a sigh. If he dumped her there drunk as a skunk and stinking of heat, sex, and... well... him, Torin was obviously just going to assume the worst and cause issues for Aerie. Better to stay and deal with him face to face. "Miss Valentine," he said softly, coming to a careful halt at the border so that she wouldn't unbalance, "We're here. We should call for your father so he can help you home."

"Speak" "Listen" Think