
Record Lows




6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-22-2020, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2020, 12:41 AM by Lorikeet.)

Lorikeet grimaced, wondering now if the view was worth the effort and the dust in her coat. It would take hours to bring herself back to a respectable shine. But how often did you get the chance to see the view from a volcano? It would of course be even better if she had a dramatic story of making love on the edge to bring home, but… perhaps her imagination would have to suffice.

She paused to take a breather. Fighting kept her fit, but the climb still took its toll on her poor knees. So she took a nice deep breath, and admired the world below. It had taken her longer then she intended, and the sun was beginning to set. The view almost took her newly-taken breath away. With the orange-blue sky casting its glow across the trees below, lush with summer and vibrantly pink. A little more to the south, and she could see a zig-zag path of water making its way through trees, and… was that a hint of a waterfall? Stunning. Absolutely stunning. She wished she could turn this view into art somehow, bring it home for everyone to enjoy. Then everyone could see how her eyes were like the perfect sunset, and her coat the lush path of a steady stream.

She might have stayed there a long time, every time she looked, she found something new to admire, but a sound distracted her. She tilted her delicate blue/black head, listening. Her orange-toned eye found the wolf first, and then she brought her gaze together, settling it upon the stranger.

She wasn’t colourful by any measure of the word, her silver/grey tones blending into the growing shadows. But she was petite, small, and perhaps even delicate. She looked absolutely tasty, but the tears took thoughts of lust away from the Aracari. She fluttered gently closer, her light tread silent as she approached. “Heavy heart, or heavy mind, my love?” she asked, her velvet voice soft and supportive.

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