
Tamsyn Mystery Pups!



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
09-23-2020, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2020, 10:23 PM by Meadow.)

Out-of-Character Name: Hermes

Character's Name: Kipling (Kip for short)

Gender: Male

Adult Height: 37”

Size: Large

Build: Heavy

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance Description: With a base coat of dark grey, the same color as ash, Kip is sure to catch one’s eye. The grey lightens on his cheeks, under his chin and on the underside of his belly, tops of legs and under his tail. Two strips of the grey mingle with the obsidian of his neck and a small blaze of grey can be found between his eyes.

As the lighter grey extends down his legs, it lightens even more into a soft, dusty grey. That same color can be found on the topside of his tail and inside his ears. The black of a moonless night starts around his ears and zig-zags its way down his neck and onto the top of his back encompasses his shoulders.

Meanwhile, the color of freshly fallen snow cuts tracks through the grey. It surrounds both eyes and trails down the side of his neck, under his front legs and along his side. Another line of white crosses his back but stops short of linking with the other strip. Brilliant teal eyes look at the world with a great curiosity.

Personality: Kipling is a kind soul. Above all else, Kipling loves his parents. Eager to please, quick to learn, he often can be found trying to make his mothers proud. Curiosity plays a big part in his life and he will never outgrow the child like wonder he gets from the world. Kip will never stop seeking to learn anything and everything he can about… well, everything. If someone is willing to teach than he is willing to learn. He will sit patiently, for hours, listening to lessons and theories with wide eyed, amazement.

Prone to wandering, Kip will explore the pack lands often and try to make his way out into the world while still young. He will bring back any objects that he finds intriguing and seek to learn as much as he can about them. When not wandering, Kipling will stick close to mothers or other siblings. It is not that he is scared, instead he sees himself as their protector. It is his job to keep his family safe, or so he tells himself.

While his body is strong, the grey wolf tries to be gentle. His goal in life is protect and make his parents proud but, for all his physical strength, Kip is gentle boy. Quick with a smile or kind word, he will give you anything you need. The love that his mothers give him shape his world into one filled with happiness and light. Always willing to help, he will put others needs before his own. This can lead to him exhausting himself or making himself ill from too much exertion. However, the more he does for others, the more fulfilled he feels.

Intended plots: For his skills I would like him to have fighting/hunting and I would love for his mothers to teach them as much as they can. He will want to meet everyone in the pack and learn from them. Maybe have some threads with him protecting family members from small, scary animals. Actually, it would just be him protecting a sibling from a rabbit or squirrel but to a pup it is a big feat! As he grows his personality will change and evolve. It will be fun to see where he goes! I do see him wanting to take on responsibility as a fighter/warrior for the pack.

Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm