
Colors In The Water


09-03-2013, 05:52 PM

Dark tipped tail wrapped neatly around his lean frame as the yearling waited expectantly to learn the name of the stranger who stood in front of him. His brows began to crease as he watched with rising panic at the way the girl seemed to have reacted. Did he say something to offend her? Did he set her off in some way? He glanced around wildly, wondering if there was something dangerous nearby as his neck fur began to rise in alarm. Aqua gaze quickly scanned the surroundings, but he saw no sign or scent of danger. Turning his attention back to her, he swallowed and fumbled for words. Wha...what's wrong with her? What did I say? What...what do I do?

Worrisome thoughts began to race through the boys mind, trying to figure out why she had reacted the way she did. He could not come to a conclusion, he had barely met her after all and didn't even know her name. Instinctive thoughts would drive him forward, stopping just in front of her with laid back ebony as he looked at her with worry. "Whoa hey! What's wrong? Did I say somethin' that offends you? You're kinda scarin' me here, please calm down! I'm sorry if I said something wrong!" He urged, his own voice trying to stay calm. He had never seen another wolf break down so quickly in front of him, he had no idea what to do and it downright scared him. He pleaded to her, his eyes begging her to calm. The sudden pain and quivering of her lips and the trembling of her body made his heart jump and beat wildly against his chest, afraid that he had said or done something wrong.
