
There's A Ghost Inside Me




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
09-23-2020, 10:55 AM

It was odd for Viper to be out at night. She was one to get plenty of sleep always, out like a light, never had an issue with it. But for some reason ever since she met Jupiter, her mind raced and wondered about him in her early sleeping hours. She honestly just wanted to shake the big blue jerk out of there. Even though she saw him much like a god, he left her in a rather uncomfortable and sad position back in the glowshroom caverns. And it really hurt her because she had never felt anything like that. Shameful, upset. It was a very hard thing to process for her and now that the thought of him was constantly waltzing around in her mind, she just wanted to chew it up and spit it out.

Still for the most part she just laid in her cheaply made den or out under the stars wondering where he was today before she'd drift off into sleep. But tonight however, her itch to get him of her mind was a little extra annoying and she walked around the central lands of the continent hoping to just get a little more tired so she could just drop down somewhere and snooze.

A clear sky revealed many stars, none that she paid too much attention to but if anything it was the most beautiful thing she had ever laid her eyes on, and that was something special through her mind for sure. The full moon illuminated gently through the treetops as she entered this odd swampland of muck and plants and roots. Her eyes adjusted quickly to the darker surroundings coming from the plains outside. And if anything she saw an opportunity to get her energy out here. Her front paws, one by one, lifted her body up on an uprooted tree. It was definitely interesting how the trees and their roots grew in a wetland like this. Her eyes wandered up towards the branches, mostly in fascination but she would lose interest pretty quickly. Placing her hind legs on the root and balancing like a cat before finding her footing on the other side in the soft soil.

Word Count: 366

OOC: Figured this would be an interesting place to do a fighting prompt in the dark xD I'll give permission to powerplay Viper to get the gears rolling in this one!

Walk "Talk" Think