
lead me out on the moonlit floor



3 Years
09-23-2020, 01:07 PM

Fel's tail swished back and forth in the sand. She was a little agitated, but she wouldn't let it get to her. It took Theory a moment, but she eventually righted herself and then began to speak. Hmm... The irritation that Fel felt slowly dissipated. So Theory wanted a woman's attention, did she? The larger woman was actually asking for advice. Well... Fel couldn't be too upset with her then.

With a sigh, the silver marbled woman let go of her frustration. "It depends on the woman. Some like being the bottom. Some like being the top." She imagined that Theory might be a top, which should make the other woman a bottom, but with her anxiety... you never knew. "Some women like it when you just take them. Others like when you ask and butter them up first." Again she sighed. "Really though, it all begins with confessing your feelings and intentions."

Fel cast a sidelong glance at Theory. "Are you ashamed about wanting to be with a woman? Do you think others will judge you for it because of your position?" She imagined that these might be some issues that the woman was dealing with. Status meant keeping up appearances and that sometimes meant being unhappy. "Status be damned," the smaller woman said, extending her hind legs straight out in the sand so she was all belly on the cool granules. "There's no point in all of the hard work if you can't be happy. Anyone that thinks less of you for being a woman doesn't deserve you." Fel was quite opinionated on the matter of free love. She dared someone to look down upon her for loving women.

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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.