
Ookey Spooky Creepy Crawly




3 Years
09-23-2020, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2020, 08:01 PM by Nausicaa.)

It had been a few weeks since her run in with the star-marked man and her shoulder and ankle had mostly healed by this point, but she still didn't feel like traveling super long distances was a very good idea. She did decide that perhaps she would take her grandmothers suggestion of trying out some swimming to exercise her shoulder without putting too much pressure on it which was how she ended up in the bit of ocean that separated the Lover's Mangroves from the island that sat just off of the main shore line. It wasn't a very long swim, so she made the pass back and forth between the two pieces of land a couple of times before finally settling on the Daager Isle's shore to rest. Her shoulder was definitely sore, but not in a bad way. She'd definitely be keeping a closer eye on where she was walking from now on, that was for sure.

Night had crept up on her and she debated whether she would want to swim back now or not. Now that Ulric and Azariah had decided to go live with that pack that had claimed the Hot Springs she felt less of a reason to go back to the Mangroves every night. Not going with them had been a tough choice, but in the end she decided she wasn't quite ready to settle anywhere with any sort of real commitment. She liked exploring and wandering around Boreas and Auster. At some point she'd probably change her mind, but not right now and her Uncle hadn't put any pressure on her to go with him. Besides, someone had to keep her grandmother company, right? Nausicaa looked around the island as she got to her paws again. This seemed like as good a place as any to rest for the night. She'd go back to her grandmother in the morning.

With that decision made, she started moving further in toward the center of the island so she could see what it was all about. She could see the top part of some kind of building or structure in the distance above the tree tops so that was what she headed toward. By the time she reached it night had pretty much fully taken hold of the sky and she building had taken on a slightly creepy, shadowy state. Anywhere that the walls had begun to crumble or fall let the moonlight stream into the interior of the building and she could see how it cast long, slender shadows across the floor as she peeked through the windows. Her ears flicked uncertainly while she debated weather she really wanted to chance exploring it on her own or if maybe it was a better idea to wait till morning.

WC: 464 / 1500
