
Curtain Call

Mandatory pack meeting



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-23-2020, 08:14 PM

Actaea Praetor

She had been tidying and rearranging her stores to make room for the new stuff she would be gathering. Ridding of any bugs or plants that hadn't dried properly along with putting the plants in alphabetical order to make it easier to find what she needed. This process was one day 2 right now and she wasn't sure how much longer it would take her, but she was getting herself fully prepared to be a very active healer for Winterfell. She would be kicking her butt in gear to make sure the pack was fully prepared. They did well with the raid she was involved healing with, but they had to be prepared to handle whatever might be thrown at them. She hadn't even began her reorganization of her salves and ointments yet. It was a lot, but she was fully focused on what she was doing.

Her storage den was deep within the earth, so deep that she didn't hear the call from her uncle. She was fully involved with her work. Outside her den Boris had heard the call and trotted right to the den entrance. He snorted first to for warn the opossum to cover his ears since he was so close. Once he was sure Lorenzo was prepared Boris too a deep breath before sticking his head into the entrance and letting out a loud, ear piercing squeal that he knew Actaea would hear no matter what. Then he stepped back and waited. A few moments later Actaea appeared at the entrance.

'Your uncle is calling the pack,' he snorted before pointing to the direction of the call.

She nodded and crawled out of the den, crouching to let Lorenzo climb onto her. Once secured she quickly headed off in the direction with Boris close at her heels. When the trio arrived there was already a chunk of the pack there. Her molten gaze immediately sought out the bright red coat of her brother, but failed to see it in the crowd. She did see Casso, but he was sitting pretty cosy with one of the females of the pack and Actaea didn't want to intrude. She couldn't sit with Uncle because it was improper since she didn't have a high rank. So she quietly settled in the back of the group, with Boris on her left and Lorenzo between her front paws. She smelled sweetly of herbs and dirt since she didn't have time to clean herself off properly.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them