
Curtain Call

Mandatory pack meeting



4 Years
Dire wolf
09-23-2020, 08:44 PM
[Image: mj87D6U.png?1]

Since returning he had been keeping mostly to himself as he tried to get back into the swing of things. Being injured out in the wilds and taken in by a strange loner group made him forget what it was like to be more stationary and consistent. He was rediscovering home, exploring and getting the lay of the two lands the pack resided in. Taking in the different scents of the members and their companions along with any creatures that simply would pass through the territory. Even though this was home he had been gone long enough that everything felt and smelled new, but it also felt safe to him. He was relieved to be home and he wanted to get his explorations over with so he could get to work on training and building himself. He had already told his father of his first major failure that nearly led to his death. It had been luck that he was found and cared for by strangers. Yes he had a cool scar from it, which he thought was cool because his father was covered in them, but he felt like a naive failure. He hoped to con some time from his dad so he could get some training. Or maybe his father knew who he could train from within the pack.

His fathers call brought him from his current exploring and he ran towards the call, his limp still visible since the muscles were not fully built back up in his left flank, but things were getting there. He just had to learn to built his body back up. When he arrived there was a bunch of wolves there whose faces he couldn't remember, but their scents were familiar. Among them he managed to pick out two of his sisters, one sitting beside their father and the other sitting within the crowd. He chose to move beside Polaris and plopped down beside her before looking to his father for what he called them together for.
