
Stop, at the sight of water


09-03-2013, 06:28 PM

Rakshra snorted at his responce. What she did was bold, what he did was just inpolite. She shook her head and took a few steps back from him holding her breath before finally letting it out and a quiet but deep growl. She stared at him. Well then, I apoligise for what most would have liked. she spoke in an irritated voice. And what are you doing, creeping your way away from the cliff as I was sent here to assasinate you or murder you at my own choice? she said offended. And for the record, there isn't much I can learn from anyone. Rakshra spoke the truth and nothing but the truth at this moment.

Oddity was the wolfs name. Hah. Perfect name for an odd, stupid wolf is what Rakshra thought. His following sentance did nothing close to pleasing her. 'It is not a pleasure to meet you.' She shook her head and stared at him with anger and fury in her eyes, her stared back at her with the same look in his bi-colored eyes. She shook her head again and turned around and started walking away. She wasn't planning on leaving, though.

Turning back around and walking back in the direction of the bi-colored wolf known as Oddity, she stopped a few feet from him and bowed once again. "Let us start over. My name is Rakshra, and it is a pleasure to meet you. she spoke calmly, trying to clear any hint of anger out of her voice.