
A Healer’s hallucination: Don’t Eat Strange Plants

Sylvia decides to try a plant that she didn’t know, this is the aftermath.



2 Years
09-23-2020, 11:06 PM
Sylvia walked slowly on the plains, in the distance she saw the stone steppe. This monument has always intrigued her, but to see it in person was truly breathtaking. She came to a halt for a moment, feeling the soft wind blow through her moonlight fur. Her ocean blue eyes locked onto the monument as she broke into a run.

As she ran her paws hit the earth, each time the soil beneath her toes felt cool and calm. The monument drew closer and when Sylvia was about two feet from it she slowed to a walk. She panted after such a long sprint, even if she was agile she didn’t have much endurance to go on. She walked slowly into the stone circle with caution but also admiration at the same time.

Now being a healer, Sylvia was only a beginner one. She only knew of medical plants used to help wolves or other animals, she didn’t know much of fungi or poisonous plants. As she looked to her right, just beside a stone in the circle, an interesting plant caught her eye. It had big green leaves and a twisted vine by the looks of it (Ayahuasca). She became curious, after all how much damage could a plant she’s never seen before do?

This plant is something strange, and I don’t know what is telling me to try it. I should be okay because it doesn’t smell dangerous. At least I’ll hope I’ll be okay.. She chuckled nervously in her head and decided to put a leaf in her mouth. It definitely tasted funny to her as she only chewed a small bit of it, nothing happened at first so she decided to sit and wait.

30 Minutes Later...

Sylvia rolled onto her back in the grass, she was still in the middle of the stone circle but she definitely regretted her decision. The clouds to her became animals and her paws looked like jello. Everything around her became loopy and she just laid there looking up at the sky. I regret this I shouldn’t have done it. This plant bender reality or something. Am I hallucinating? Just a small bit of this plant sucks she growled in her head.

She flipped over on her side, looking to stand up, but as she did she could barely keep her balance. To her it looked like her legs were moving when in fact she was standing still. As she pressed down on the grass she thought she heard the grass scream and she knew then that she’s lost it. ”WHAT DID I EAT?!” she howled before laying down and putting her paws over her eyes. If I just close my eyes then I can’t hallucinate with my vision, but I’ll probably still hear things she thought in her head. To her this was the best option, and she hoped that no one would walk in on her and see this.