
A Welcoming Chain Around My Neck [Joining]


09-03-2013, 06:44 PM

The air was cool as Rakshra stood up from her rest, sending shivers down her spine and making her nostrils ache. She would get used to it again soon, she had only been gone for a year.

The air carried an unfimilar scent her way, along with a bunch of others of the new Glaciem wolves, but this one was particularly close. It wasn't Gargoyle, who she remembered to be the Glaciem ruler. No, this wolf's scent was much differnt. Looking off in the distance she could see a white wolf start to appear. She most deffinetly did not remember him, and there is no way she would forget a brute with such attractiveness.

Rakshra watched the wolf approach her. The nearer he got the more Rakshra could see how attractive he was. 'Mmm...' she thought to herself. 'Possibly he belongs to Glaciem?' She wondered.

He was really near now, and Rakshra didn't look away from him. If he wasn't with Glaciem and was here to attack her she would be ready to fight back. The cold air damped Rakshra's fur and it hung to her body perfectly showing ever inch of her womanly curves. Not a nice feeling, though. Having your fur stuck to your body?

The brute opened his mouth to speak. 'What a lovely surprise you are, my dame.' He said. A shuddered breath parted his words. 'Welcome to Glaciem, little ebony, you have chosen wisely.' Was his next words. This wolf knew she wanted to join. She knew nothing of him, though. Where was Gargoyle, and who was this wolf?

Thank you for the kind welcoming, that is very sweet of you. I am Rakshra. She bowed politely his way. It is such a pleasure to meet you. I was previously in Glaciem about a year ago. I had to leave, I was forced not by pack members but from a different reason. I never wanted to leave, and I wish to re-join. Her words were chattered by the fact she was some what cold. She could easily stand it, though. May I ask where Gargoyle is, and who might you be? She spoke politely. For one, she found this wolf very, very attractive. And two, if he was the new ruler of Glaciem and something had happened to Gargoyle, she wanted to start on excellent terms. Maybe she'd have a good chance of getting a fair rank.