
oh what tangled webs we weave




4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
09-24-2020, 03:54 PM
Maybe Tyrian was laughing at him, but it felt more like he was laughing with him and the drunken Lachlan found great enjoyment in the lightness of the moment as the weight of his worries lifted off his shoulders the longer the night went on. He was quick to gain what was promised, and though he showed a little surprise at being offered the drink it was replaced with his pleased grin. Eagerly he accepted the payment for taking a seat.

After he took a swig and absently returned the bottle to the space between them he was distracted lightly by the scent that clung to Tyrian’s fur. It was so very similar to the aroma that seemed to hang in the air. Lachlan was easily distracted and as he earned Tyrian’s gaze he leaned back slightly, taken aback at Tyrian’s amazement. Lachlan wasn’t often going around doing impressive feats though, so the attention was rather pleasant.

He’d been hanging around the party for a while, and he could make a very educated guess by the look on Tyrian’s face what firsts he’d enjoyed. Lachlan was first reminded of Abby and their strange, but comfortable, encounter. Then he thought about his sister. Showing a little alarm as he turned around to look up the beach. He couldn’t see her or that man she was with. Maybe he’d taken her home? Yeah that had to be the most likely outcome. For sure.

Lachlan was distracted but quickly grabbed the bottle again for another swig. Nope not gonna think about Aryn or the shame he felt for not staying beside her. How was he to know where this party was going? ”Yeah? I bet.” Lachlan answered finally, shaking his poor drunk head and returning his attention to Tyrian. ”You’re so tall. And nice.” The young Valentine boy looked away, despite his drunkenness it was hard to forget Abby looking down on him for being so small. Had he earned any second glances from the girls on the beach? ”I like drinking.” But was he having fun? ”I think.. I lost my sister.” He decided to go with, looking equally ashamed about his height as his inability to keep an eye on Aryn.