
lead me out on the moonlit floor



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An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

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09-24-2020, 06:57 PM

break me like a promise

Feelings certainly did get in the way... she was a mess of them herself. So many feelings. Theory wished she could tuck them all away in a box, focus only on leading the pack and the stewardship of the young, but a leader without feelings meant a leader without morals. Right? She valued her moral compass intensely. When those pesky "feelings" grew too much to bear, it helped point her in the right direction. Her north star. Vulnerability wasn't something she was familiar with beyond quiet, private moments with her father and sisters. She tried not to let anyone see her struggle for fear of causing larger worries and distress among the pack. It was her responsibility to carry their burdens, not the other way around. On the matter of vulnerability, Theory sighed heavily. "That might be a little bit more difficult. I'm not sure either of us have experience with... that."

But Felicity's proposition was too good to resist. It took most of the burden off of her plate, after all. It would finally be some kind of answer to the question that had been plaguing her for the better part of a year. But what if it wasn't the answer she wanted? Theory's throat tightened at the thought and she cast her eyes out to sea. The tide was creeping in, slowly but steadily. Maybe the ocean could just swallow her up, then she wouldn't have to worry about Thalia's answer at all. "I believe you know her, actually," Theo said, a bit begrudgingly. She was an Abraxas, after all, but she'd made her position on same-sex love clear. Would she still feel the same if she knew Theory was interested in one of her family members? Their motto was to spread, after all. Theo didn't know much about sex, but she was pretty sure two women couldn't immaculately conceive. There would be no future Abraxas that might spawn from their union - but she was getting way, way, way ahead of herself. "It's Thalia. Thalia Abraxas. And I would like you to bring her to me."
"theory speaks!"