
Tamsyn Mystery Pups!



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-24-2020, 10:42 PM
[Image: K5QqUjt.png]

Out-of-Character Name: Shard
Character's Name:  Rudyard
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 37''
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Appearance Description:

Ruddy is a hodgepodge of dark grey to white and all shades in between.  It’s as if he’s a white wolf walking through a forest where the shadow of the tree branches play along his coat. The left side of his face is a dark grey that stops shortly after the eye to become the palest of silvers.  If any area on him could be confused with black by the depth of the grey it would be along his shoulder blade and tip of his tail.  The trellace of darker gray falls down part of his back to streak around the shoulder muscle and down his front legs to stop around the knees.  The feathering on his back leg also is of a darker shade. Elsewhere on his body the softer greys mingle with the whites in a more random appearing but charming way.

Ruddy was born with a double helping of confidence splashed with curiosity.  He has a need to know what’s going on with those around him.  He wants to know who, what, why and where.  As a pup this certainly will focus primarily on his siblings and parents.  He will be the silent stalker that tries to get close without announcing he’s close and playing innocent went caught.

Ruddy will want to make friends with everyone! Part of this is due to his having a friendly nature but it must be noticed that you learn more from others if they are your friends.  Ruddy’s desire to snoop isn’t for any maliciousness but simply that little part in the back of his mind constantly needing to know more.

He has a competitive spirit and will jump into any dares, bets or competitions.  The little imp laughs easy, plays hard and sleeps deeply with dreams of fun.  He will likely love his family and pack and desire to protect them.

Intended plots:
Ruddy could go in numerous ways and I just want to watch and see but here are some potential.

Does his family end up with a fun little spy to send off or to keep close at hand to make sure the wolves that visit are truly going to behave themselves? It might be useful since any are allowed in and certainly not all wolves have others best interest at hearts.

He could find himself wanting to protect the family even more since he would work so hard to get to know the deepest sides of them well.  Learning about another can make you cherish them more after all.

He could grow out of being so nosy and go some completly other direction... but nosy is fun so I hope he doesn't lol!

As a pup I see him mostly spying on his siblings, and either being a tattle tail or just getting excited at ideas and wanting to go along with what someone else is doing.

At the end of the day - I want to know what the little scamp will do also.  I'm sure something fun is bound to happen
[Image: WE5CTgt.png]