
The striped beast appears!



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-25-2020, 06:22 PM

Naiche was getting moe comfortable traveling the various landscapes around his home.  Every bit of land he knew better added a pebble in his wall of confidence and that wall was getting quite sturdy.  Naiche liked this area, the flowing river offered a pleasant background sound and he much preferred the scent of freshwater over the stinging salt that hampered his smell.  

Naiche had no interest in fish but he still kept close to the water, smelling out what else had been close to the water.  Where there was plentiful water there would be plentiful prey on land as well as the fish below him.  A variety of tasty scents was there along with things of little interest.   Naiche was just about to follow the scent of rabbit when a different smell hit him.  A predator more dangerous than Naiche was in the area and close.

Naiche looked about the brush, and the shadows the brush created.  The sun was still high enough in the sky but it was slowly going down.  A slight wind moved the brush and helped the shadows dance along the ground.  Where was the shadow that would not be brush but instead be the striped beast? A tiger was nearby.  The scent was still too fresh and Naiche wasn’t sure if he was smelling the direction it had gone or come from.  Raising his nose up Naiche scented the air, turning his head sharply as both his nose and eyes informed him where the cat was.

The cat lunged forward, clawing at the air in a threatening display.  Naiche hesitated for while he loved a good fight attempting to kill the massive beast without a partner seemed suicidal.  Naiche backed up, keeping his gaze cautiously on the cat.  Apparently backing up wasn’t good enough as it snarled again before charging him.  Naiche didn’t dare run, that would mean turning his back to it.  Naiche showed all his teeth, muscles tensed and hackles high, pivoting away so that the cat’s first strike missed.  Naiche snapped quickly for a front paw before bounding off.  He had missed, but now the cat knew he would fight back.

The cat was spinning for another attack..
Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]