
Trial Number One

Rune I


5 Years
09-03-2013, 10:41 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ears perked attentively as an answering call was given, the caller somewhere still out of sight but obviously bringing themselves in his direction. The sound alone was enough to make Rune tense with anticipation, nerves finally taking hold. His inexperience was certainly a fault to his character that he wished to remedy, but he was still aware of what disadvantages it put him at even when going into something as simple as a spar. If some seasoned warrior answered his call he was likely going to embarrass himself with his lack of knowledge at his age, and hoping for someone kind enough to mentor him during their trial seemed too much to ask for. Whatever happened, he simply had to promise himself to try his hardest and take as much as he could from the experience to better himself in the future.

He didn't bother sitting down to wait for the wolf to arrive, and he was glad he had opted not to. Hardly any time passed before the other was there, and by looks alone the young grey wolf had to question whether he might have gotten himself into a bigger predicament than he had originally thought. The black wolf easily stood taller than he did, sporting a body aged but strong and capable, scars cross over his muzzle. While he felt his nervousness spike, he was certain this was one spar he was going to learn from.

As the older male nodded in his direction, he did the same, frosty blue eyes meeting the mismatched pair of the black wolf before noticing movement to his side as another came within view. No sooner had his eyes settled on the familiar figure, he very quickly lifted his head out of its nod to look her way with open surprise. The grey Valhallan girl. Surreal. There was no time for him to comment or even truly acknowledge her as the older wolf she was with introduced himself as Cormalin, the Beta of the Valhallan pack. He tried to keep his attention fixed on Cormalin though his gaze shifted once toward her as she was mentioned. Niece. Well that was an unexpected turn. And no added pressure at all. "Yeah, I did," he answered somewhat belatedly, blue eyes forcefully drawing themselves back to the Valhallan Beta. "I'm Rune. Previously of Tortuga." It was uncomfortable for him not being able to claim his chosen home land as his place of residency, but he was not about to associate himself with its newest ruler.

Following the other male's lead, he fell into a mimicking stance, squaring his standing position and lowering his head with his ears partially tucked. "Ready to begin when you are," he stated, trying to ignore Surreal for now so that he could focus and not become distracted by having unexpected bystanders.

Round 0/?:

Attacks: n/a

Defenses: Squared stance, head lowered over neck, ears halfway turned back

Injuries: n/a

OOC: You're free to make the first move and choose the rounds, Bri. c: