
Twinkle (M)



4 Years
09-04-2013, 12:07 AM

Narsha felt the male swim in closer again and smiled despite herself, she found it amusing how eager he was. It was a nice change from what she had experienced thus far. With his shoulder at her chest she watched the two for a moment. He had given the black woman his name, something he had not given to her, not that she cared much. In her past she had not always known the names of her playmates and most had not known hers either, it made the mornings easier for both of them that way. She felt little guilt leaving before they had woken if they didn?t know her.

The vixen felt the change in the male, the subtle shift in posture and the unconscious perking of ears. Little things she had learnt to pick up on, it all helped in the game of seduction. She guessed his words before he even spoke them, steeling herself. Narsha would not deny him even this, but that didn?t mean she would be happy about it, she had hoped to have the grey male?s attention all to herself. Just like the good ole days. Another pleasant shiver coursed through her body as his tail brushed her underbelly while she treaded the water.

The woman fought to hide her relief at the midnight female?s words and retreat. The male would no doubt be disappointed in his lost fantasy but she really did prefer it this way. Allowing a sweet smile to stretch across her features she watched the other woman leave. ?Nice to meet you, don?t be a stranger now.? Her tone was light, slightly mocking. She waited until the intruder had slipped from sight and she could not hear her anymore before she slid around in front of Dempsey, she stepped towards him and gently, with her muzzle just inches away from his ear whispered: ?Now?where were we??
