
Coeus Adravendi



09-04-2013, 03:04 AM
Probation Reduction Purchased.
OOC Name: Yumpy
How did you get here?: you know
Age: 18

Character's Name: Coeus Adravendi
Age: 8 years
Season of birth: Summer
Size: 40" - A character from the old site, this should be fine with Lu unpurchased.
Appearance description:
A jacket that boasts of no great appeal, simplistic and ordinary, the man is a mixture of deep russets to light tan. Somewhat heavier over the dorsal and skull only to fade downwards in irregular banding and mottling. The beast is an illustration of war; his skin so severely scarred his pelt struggles to grow correctly in several areas, bald scathes litter his limbs, face and chest, while other areas may suggest poor regrowth. Confronting and frightening, his right eye is stained to a whirling grey-blue, his water line so intensely scarred it has healed in such an eerily blemished manner; almost bare around the sockets and causing the eye to appear far more exposed than usual. As would be expected, this eye is completely sightless, though still the ghoul boasts of persistent ability to thrive. Opposite, his good eye is a vibrant cerulean, seemingly untarnished by age. He will walk with a recently acquired limp, torn ligaments and a minor fracture in the right fore will put the creature heavily off balance when standing, often seen hopping in an attempt to regain his steadiness. To top it all off, the man brags of a shredded ear, the other somewhat marred.
Duty: Avenger