
now look what you've done


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-26-2020, 01:31 PM

Hanako's steps were slow and her breathing still a little laboured as she padded back over the border. Though she didn't really blame Hattori since he'd been awfully apologetic- or as close as he could manage to get- the whole situation had left her shaken and a little numb. Mortis had trained her to fight and she'd done her best to take in all the knowledge he had to share but against a shinobi she simply hadn't stood a chance. All thoughts of maintaining her posture and protecting her neck had gone right out of the window the moment he'd pressed his paw against her throat, all she'd felt was blind panic, like a rabbit caught in a snare. Regardless of her silver tongue there'd simply been no way for her to talk her way out of it nor had Azure been present to rush in and save the day. Had things taken a true turn for the worse she wouldn't be here, she'd be cold and dead in some forest, just left to rot. She swallowed thickly, winching at the pain that ricocheted down her throat. Would Sirius have sent the others to look for her, as he'd done with Mal, or would he have simply cut his loses?

She came to a stop, once again taking in the mess Hattori had made of her coat. What was once a soft and pristine pelt was now tangled with dried clumps of mud, she was hideous. The thought of anyone else seeing her in such a state sent her trotting across the plains as quickly as her still wobbly legs would allow. She needed to have a bath right away, to wash the scent and muck away before anyone noticed. Hattori hadn't asked her to keep it a secret between them, nor would he ever, but this was her own undertaking. Her little secret.

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