See the fire in your eyes
Master Intellectual (240)
Master Healer (240)
8 Years
"Heh," Her chuckle was short and sharp and not quite genuine in the way it passed from her lips. "Still adjustin’ ter sleepin’ alone. Yer go from a dozen bodies ter none...and in a den when it isn’t even snowin’ out..." The Archer-Lyall let her statement run off with a shrug, a sad smile pulling at the corner of her lips as she focused on the racoon between the other wolf’s paws. Maybe she was just a bit homesick. "Sedna," She offered up her name with a softer smile this time, leaning back into a seat herself and finally letting grey eyes meet purple. Well that was different. Her shoulders rolled, and she scooted her rear a little further from the flames, it was a warm night and her coat was already soaking up more than the light alone. "I wasn’ from around ‘ere before, it’s a lot ter take in."