
Colors In The Water


09-08-2013, 01:06 PM

Kind and gentle gaze would remain on her features as he waited for a response from her beauty of a face. Though he just met her, he felt the butterflies stumbling around in his stomach since he saw her. And the sudden displays of chaotic emotions he had been seeing in her eyes as well as her unexplained reactions, only drew him closer. At last he noticed the tears would falter, and their flow ceased. His black tipped audits would pop back up in a hopeful fashion, wondering if his attempts had worked. She seemed to be in deep thought, and at times it seemed to him, looked like she wanted to speak but some unknown cause would prevent speech from gracing her tongue.

"You... might need to stick around for a while then." The young boy would tilt his head, eyes dancing with delight. So she decided to want to keep him around. And he would gladly oblige. Not because he felt that he had to, but deep down he wanted to. His tail began to thump the ground, the tip of it nothing but a small black blur. Pearly white would then show in a big smile when she did so. A chuckle rumbling his chest and escaping his jaws like the steady gurgle of a stream. "Ah, so I got the sheila to laugh eh? Well hopefully, you'll allow me to continue doing so." He winked at her again, never turning away. He didn't want to look away, she was very his eyes anyway."I'll stick around for as long as you want me to." He told her with a dip of his head. Then he stiffened slightly in realization. He didn't even know her name yet! Now would be as good a chance as any to learn her name, just in case she decided to up and bolt away at least he would know her name. "Say, may I have the pleasure of knowin' your name? A girl like you shouldn't walk around nameless y'know, that just won't do." He said with mirth.
