See the fire in your eyes
Master Intellectual (240)
Master Healer (240)
8 Years
Sedna allowed her legs to slide out in front of her, laying by the fire and watching the flames, one ear turned towards Magnus to show she was still listening, smiling when he said he wasn’t sure what to think of Sirius. After the shock of Mortis’s wings and unusual colouring, the sight of his father had been a step towards normal for the Archer-Lyall. When he asked if she was hungry she met his eyes again, "I’m fine thanks," she responded easily. "Wasn’ sure if yer had plans fer th’ parts or not. Woulda’ never thought o’ half whats around ‘ere at home." She was almost certain her mother would have had a fit if she saw some of the pouches other wolves carried, or how the Armada used a cart for hauling things around like at the kids birthday bash. It saved a lot of time, she could gather so many more herbs, and the thought of a garden? Not a chance.