
Again again again




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-26-2020, 10:19 PM

Naiche had planned for some night practice himself and had wandered towards the beach and sparring ring, but had stopped before he could clearly see the wolf who was practicing.  He could hear the soft sounds of her biting the targets in between the soft hush of the waves.  This was a dark night and so it was more a silhouette than the form of a wolf he watched moving.  It was probably larger than him, but definitly not one of the giants.  He had to get closer for her scent as salt in the water always seemed to hide other scents.  Once he caught the scent of her though he felt somehow both like groaning and excited all at once.  This was a thing he needed to do more than desired to do.

Naiche walked up silently, watching her movements both when attacking and when resetting herself and her focus.  It was still hard to catch all the details well but closer in the more things became obvious.  After one of her attacks, he strode closer and with less deceptive hiding, "You're improving. It is harder to get a natural feel for things on those lifeless targets." Naiche kept his tone casual, trying to get into a brighter part of  the fighting ring, at least where the shadows weren't playing so many tricks as to what was real.

"What do you say? Would you like a real target? A light spar?" There was still a faint scent of blood from his right shoulder.  The golden wolf had bathed to get the dried blood off but it had oozed a bit more afterwards.  Naiche was fairly certain it was fully closed by now.  He would wait a few more days before asking Sirius to a fight, but she was a rookie who could hardly fight inatimate objects and he wanted to show Tamsyn he could do better.  Naiche imagined it would really still be his havign to control his own attacks to not play rough.  Somehow it always seemed he was fighting large and aggressive things.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

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