
Where chains will never bind you


09-04-2013, 12:01 PM

ooc - Sorry for slowness trying to get everything ready for Ireland

His ears twitch as he watches her, his position still low to the ground, chest picking up dust and dirt as he waits. She's excited to play his game, and he's glad. A quick play date will be just what he needs to take the edge off his boredom, he's looking forward to it. Lifting his chest finally he looks around, its as though he's trying to find some ghosts himself. His ears dip back for a moment, how do you play ghost hunters? He hadn't really thought about the rules of the game, flicking his tail he looks back at the young wolf a smile finding its way on to his muzzle.

"Well first, you have to pretend you're a ghostbuster." He puffs out his chest and shifts his stance until his tail is erect and he looks like he's just defeated the strongest alpha of all time. "Ghostbusters are the strongest warrior wolves you'll ever meet." He gives a determined nod of his head and then continues his explanation. "Once you've done that you just go exploring, you have to look in all the most exciting places like inside caves and behind waterfalls." There's a flash of excitement in his eyes, this game is getting better and better. Diving head long into dangerous locations is what he lives for, and he can't wait to start playing. If he were a bit older, or a bit more mature he might realise how dangerous his game is for the little wolf, but as it is he's head strong and unreliable. Bee doesn't see his game as being potentially deadly and there is no malicious intent in his asking her to play, it is just simply a case of him being incredibly thoughtless and immature.

In one swift movement he moves over the puppy, his head dipping and turning back to look at her, "Are you coming?"