
Again again again




3 Years
09-27-2020, 10:47 AM

She really hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings after a while and that was her own fault. She'd been very careful to check and see if anyone was around before she started and had incorrectly assumed that no one would be up and about at this time of night. Between one of her practice attacks a hint of movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention and made her jump a little from surprise, but once her gaze could dart over to see who it was she relaxed a bit and sighed from exasperation. Naiche. Of all the wolves she didn't want to find her practicing it would certainly be him. She still hadn't fully forgiven him for his judgement and harshness the last time they met, even if he had apologized. She straightened her stance and turned to look at him as he spoke, a little surprised to hear him tell her that she was improving. As much as she didn't want to admit it since it was coming from him, having an outside perspective on the work she was doing was actually helpful since she wasn't sure what she was doing wrong and what she was doing right.

She gave him a slightly skeptical look when he offered to spar with her. She couldn't figure out why he would want to spar with a "fearful weakling" like her, but she also couldn't deny that fighting with someone who could fight back would probably be more beneficial than continuing to practice on this mannequin. The smell of blood also didn't get past her, the scent being something she was a bit too familiar with, but in the darkness she couldn't really tell where he was injured or how badly. Whatever kind of wound it was it clearly didn't stop him from wanting to spar so it must not be too bad. "Alright," she agreed after a moment of thoughtful silence. Just like with her practice, she just reminded herself that fighting with someone was just something she had to get used to. Repetition and practice. Again, again, again.

She moved over to one of the open practice arenas that wasn't obscured with one of the mannequins so that she could square off against her new opponent. Falling into her now fairly familiar defensive stance, she watched him carefully and waited to see what his first move would be. For once she actually felt ready and really wanted to prove to him that she was more than he made her out to be. Her amber eyes stared him down with a firm intensity that she wasn't used to feeling, but that she couldn't say she disliked either.
