
Again again again




3 Years
09-27-2020, 12:00 PM

Rhona was certainly more comfortable with being on the defensive side of things, but that clearly wasn't going to be the case for the first round of this fight. He invited her to make the first move to see her hit a moving target and her ears flicked uncertainly before they settled back down against her head. She refocused herself quickly which her head tucked down over her throat, balance set with her paws evenly spaced, and muscles coiled and ready to spring. The only thing that comforted her was that she was certain his opinion of her couldn't go any lower than it already was so it wasn't like she could really make a fool of herself. The only thing she could do was reaffirm what he already thought or prove him wrong... she really wanted it to be the second option.

She made herself finally release the energy built up in her legs as she sprang forward toward him, using long strides to close the distance between them as quickly as possible. The moon cast enough light on them for her to make out his form and she could easily see any movements he might make, but it was still more difficult to make out smaller details until she was closer to him. It made her grateful that at least it was a clear night out so what little light they did have didn't have a chance to be obscured. It wasn't really a fact that she had realized until she was nearly on top of him, but she was in fact a bit taller than him and her build was a tad more filled out than his own. Somehow this realization shocked her since he had seemed so imposing before that she hadn't even bothered to notice their difference in stature.

Rhona attempted to connect her shoulder with his chest as she got within close range of him, deciding to try and take advantage of her slight difference in hight as she went to reach over and around his neck to attempt a bite at his scruff. She tried to move fast before he was able to dodge, but she was also fully committed to the movement so one way or another her teeth were going to either close around the thicker fur and skin there or they were going to snap closed onto nothing.

non-judged spar, round 1/2?
